UNESCO World Heritage Day 2023 with International dugout canoe regatta

In appreciation of the German UNESCO World Heritage Day on 04 June 2023, the Förderverein Pfahlbau-Welterbestätte Litzelstetten-Krähenhorn e.V. is planning an event in Konstanz and Kreuzlingen with German and Swiss stakeholders to communicate the pile-dwelling World Heritage Site with museum visits, experimental archaeology, information booths and a dugout canoe regatta.
The first event will take place on June 1 at the Rosgarten Museum.
The following day, June 02, a new dugout is to be completed and christened. With accompanying events the Archaeological State Museum introduces deeper into the pile-dwelling period.
On Saturday, June 03, experts from archaeology and monument preservation will inform about the pile dwelling world heritage in the Stadtgarten Konstanz.
In addition, this Saturday will be held the “International Dugout Regatta”, for which teams have registered from several Alpine countries where pile-dwelling sites are included in the World Heritage.
The regatta takes place in close coordination and deliberately in temporal and spatial proximity to the International Bodenseewoche in Konstanz.
The tour ends with a guided walk from the harbor of Konstanz (pile dwellings in the Konstanz funnel) across the art border Konstanz/ Kreuzlingen to the Seemuseum Kreuzlingen (shipping history at the Bodensee).